Content About SNDT Women’s University 61st Convocation address Administrative Structure New Initiatives Student Support Services (Academic and Non-Academic) Patents and Research Programs organized by the University Papers presented by the faculty from departments Publications Internationalization SNDT Women’s University Library Awards and Honours, Felicitation Co-curricular Activities Extension Activities Board of College and University Development (BCUD) Activities University Departments, Centres, Institutions, Conducted Colleges Donors and Donations received Sadly Mourned Lists of members of the Bodies of the University A1: Senate A2: Management Council A3: Academic Council A4: Board of Examinations A5: List of Heads of Departments and Institutions A6: Finance and Accounts Committee Appendix B Ph. D. Degree Awarded Appendix C C1: Award of Prizes C2: Information Regarding Declaration of Results during the Year 2010-11 C3: Programme-wise Enrollment - 2011-12 Appendix D D: List of Colleges affiliated to the University